Let Us Serve You
We are a community of REALTORS® committed to serving military members that are PCSing through a private collaborative network of military sellers and military buyers.
With the current demand for housing in Columbia outpacing supply, buyers are experiencing unprecedented competition resulting in multiple offers, with many homes being sold significantly over asking price.
With housing shortages forecasted to continue, the adverse impact to military buyers will continue to be a challenge, creating a significant obstacle for those PCSing into Columbia.
We are committed to providing all military buyers an alternative, pro-active path to home ownership in Columbia. We are reaching out to military home-owners in our community with an invitation to collaborate. We hope to connect with you soon.

An accurate and updated housing availability system, with anticipated PCS dates, allows us to match buyers with military sellers well in advance of move dates. Our goal is to streamline and ease the transition of military members PCSing in and out of Columbia, SC.
Connect with me today and let us serve you!